Achieving Affordability, Resilience and Abundance with Virtual Power Plants
A Plan for a 21st Century Grid – Part 4: A Strong, Resilient Grid Starts With a Plan
A Plan for a 21st Century Grid – Part 3: Fossil Fuel Thinking is Clouding Our Future
A Plan for a 21st Century Grid – Part 2: Can Texas’ Shaky Grid Handle the Exponential Growth Ahead?
A Plan for a 21st Century Grid – Part 1: Our Historic Hands-off Approach Isn’t a Plan.
Pecan Street on KXAN: Why One Austin Neighborhood Tracks Energy Use Down to the Circuit
Pecan Street’s JupyterHub Can Help Rapidly Scale and Iterate Your Research
E&E News: Blackouts are on the rise. So Austin is making a ‘microgrid’
Utility Dive – Utilities have multiple ways to drive lower energy use
Pecan Street and Eaton Testing Demand Response Tech
What California’s Rule 21 Gets Right and Wrong for Residential Solar
Pecan Street Opens Applications for Second Cohort of Testing, Validation and Market Entry Program