Digital Dirt: Farmer Survey
Download Pecan Street’s Digital Dirt Farmer Survey
Digital Dirt: Technology and Practice Diffusion Amongst Regional Farmers
While the scientific community has reached consensus that one of the biggest opportunities to combat climate change lies dormant under our feet in the form of farm soils, many hurdles remain to capture this opportunity for global climate change mitigation. Among these hurdles is acquiring a deeper understanding of farmers’ current attitudes towards technology adoption and practice changes, particularly as relates to sensors and data collection on their farms is critically important in the current economic climate.
To gain these insights, Pecan Street’s Digital Dirt project conducted a survey to gather information from farmers on their decision-making process related to adoption of new farm management technologies, changes in farmland management practices, and participation in new market opportunities.
To download the Farmer Survey Report, please enter your name and email address below. A download link will be mailed to you.