Recommendations for Building Regional Cleantech Hubs
Lessons learned from Pecan Street’s PLATFORM for Product Launch
Recommendations for Building Regional Hubs for Clean Energy Technology Innovation: Lessons Learned from Pecan Street’s PLATFORM for Product Launch
Backed by the Department of Energy, Pecan Street and its partners set out in 2017 to demonstrate and validate a new model for dramatically improving the effectiveness of investments in clean energy technologies and accelerating market entry of disruptive technologies. Pecan Street developed the PLATFORM for Product Launch, a program that integrates data-driven market intelligence, lean product development and validation methods, rapid prototyping, and collaboration between industry and the technical community. We leveraged this platform with our partners to improve the capital efficiency of bringing new clean energy innovations to market by providing verified technology impact reports that unlock new impact investing opportunities and/or accelerate market adoption.
This white paper aims to provide recommendations for building regional cleantech hubs based on lessons learned from Pecan Street’s PLATFORM for Product Launch program.
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