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Licenses and Pricing

Pecan Street offers two types of user licenses for Dataport: Commercial and University.

University Pricing

wdt_ID Features University Free University-Funded Faculty Research University-Funded, University-Wide University-based, 3rd-party Funded & Commercialization Research
1 Datasets 75 homes from our Austin (25), New York (25) and California (25) testbeds. ISO data. All Datasets All Datasets All Datasets
2 Number of Users Individual Maximum of 6 1 faculty + 5 student researchers All Academic Researchers at Institution University Researchers on the Funded Project
3 Price Free $5,000 $15,000 Contact Pecan Street
4 Restrictions 1. For use by university faculty, staff and students only for academic research purposes 2. No resale, no sub-license 3. No funded research 1. Faculty or staff requestor 2. No resale, no sub-license 3. No funded research 1. No resale, no sub-license 2. No funded research 1. Researchers on project team at same institution 2. No resale, no sub-licence

Commercial Pricing

Pecan Street offers two levels of commercial licenses: Dataport Unlimited and Dataport Standard. The table below lists the types of datasets included in each license program. Multi-year licenses are available at discounted rates. Pricing for perpetual licenses and for Real Power, Apparent Power, Current, Total Harmonic Distortion, and Phase Angle data are available upon request.

Please contact licensing@pecanstreet.org for additional information or to set up a time to discuss the available data in greater detail.

wdt_ID Feature / Data Description Dataport 
Unlimited 2012-present $150,000 Dataport
 2012-present $125,000 Price for Individual Datasets
1 Audit Data Audit data for homes, including detailed information about each home (appliances, duct leakage testing, and 100+ other measurements). $300 per home
2 Program Data Data about homes from specific pricing trials. $1,000
3 EV Meta Data Data about electric vehicle makes & models $1,000
4 Electricity Data 
15 Min Intervals Home electricity use (real power) and generation data at ground-truth circuit level. $200 per home/month.
5 Electricity Data
1 Minute Intervals Home electricity use (real power) and generation data at ground-truth circuit level. $250 per home/month.
6 Electricity Data
1 Second Intervals Home electricity use (real power) and generation data at ground-truth circuit level. $1,200 per home/month.
7 Gas Data Home gas use data. Limited (ask for pricing)
8 Indoor Temperature Data Indoor temperature sensor readings. Limited (ask for pricing)
9 Sociodemographic Survey Data Annual survey responses including demographics and home features. $5,000 for whole dataset or $200 per home.
10 Water Data Home water use data. Limited (ask for pricing)
11 Weather Data Various weather data for Austin. Limited (ask for pricing)

Download Pecan Street’s Commercial Dataport License Pricing Guide.

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